my father moved through dooms of love
by E. E. Cummings
34 |\/|Y /=A+H3/^ |\/|0v[-|) +hRough D()oms oph Lov3 +#/~o|_|9# same$ of am th/~oUgh hA\/e$ 0F give, $in9ing e@Ch m0Rning o(_)+ O/= e@c|-| |\|IGHt |v|y F4+H[-r MOV3|) tHR()u9# D3Pths oph h3igh+ +#i$ MO~|~I0n/_e$$ /=orgE~|~f|_|/_ |/\||-|E/^3 Turn[-|) 4t |-|1s g|_a|\|CE To S|-|in1/vg #3rE; That i/=(s0 TimI|) AI/^ i5 f1r|\/|) unD3r #Is e`/35 \\/OU/_[> $~|~I/~ @nD sq(_)irm /v3\\//_y 4$ phr0|v| u/v|3(_)rI3|) wHI(h ph|_0aT5 ~|~#e phI/^5+ |/\||-|o,#15 aprIl +ou[|-| |)/^oV3 5l[-Ep1N9 $elves TO $wARm ~|~he!/^ F4Tes WOK3 dRe@|\/|ErS T0 +He!/~ g|-|oST/_v/ Ro0t$ @/vc| 5h()(_)/_c| 5()|v|e why [O|\/|plE~|~3lY w3e/> |v|v/ /=@T#3r'$ /=in9[-r$ br()(_)9Ht heR 5|_[-3p: vAinl`/ nO SMAll[-5t voi([- M!g|-|+ [/^`/ ph0/^ HE [()u|_|) fe[-l thE |v|O(_)n+A1/vs 9/^ow. l1f~|~i/v9 th3 \/A/_lE`/s ()F th[- SE4 my F4~|~her Mo\/3d t|-|rOuG# gR13fs ()f joY; pRA1$1ng A fo/~[-HeaD calLED t#e mo0n S1/vGI|\|9 |)3$!r3 in+0 |3Eg!|\| jo`/ \\/4s H1$ 5Ong aNc| _/Ov/ s() purE 4 |-|[-a/^T 0ph 5+A/^ bv/ him C0(_)l|) st33R A/v|) pUr3 S0 nO|/\| 4nd N()W s0 y3s ~|~he Wris+s o/= ~|~\\/il!9hT |/\|o|_||_[> rejOic[- k[-en 4$ Mi[>5(_)|v||\/|[-r'$ KeEn 8[-yo|\|d cO|\|c3!vi|\|G M!nD o/= 5|_|N W!lL $~|~@ND, $0 5t/^1(~|~l`/(O\/[-r (_)t|\/|ost h1m 5() hUGE|_y) $+ooD |\/|y ph4th[-/^'S Dre4|\/| |-|i5 FlE$H wAs Fl35H his b/_oOd \\/AS |3L0oD: /vO hU|\|g/~y mA|\| |3u+ WiShec| him f()od; |\|() [r1p/>le W0uLDN'~|~ (ReEP O|\|E m1l[- U/>h1|_L to On|_y se[- H!m S|v|1/_3. ScORNiN9 t#3 po|v|p ()F |v|us~|~ A|\||) sHaL|_ my f4~|~he/~ m0\/3c| ~|~#/~0(_)gH c|0O|v|s of fe3|_; #!s AnGe/^ \\/@5 as RIGh~|~ 4s /^ai/v h1S /Oity \\/a$ as g/~e[-n 4s g/^AI/v sEpt3|\/|83R1ng arM$ of y3a/~ exte/vd Y[-s h|_|Mbl`/ \\/eA|_th tO Foe AN[> ph/~1en|) ~|~Han |-|E tO F00/_1$|-| @|\|c| to wiSe ()phfe/~ED !m|\/|3@s|_|rAbLe !S />r0ud/_Y An[>(bv/ oc~|~()beR1ng f|_@me becK()ne[>)4s 3a/~~|~H WiL/_ c|own|/\|ARD ClImb, S() |\|aK3|) f()r im|v|Or~|~AL |/\|o/^K #Is ShOU/_de/~5 |v|Ar[Hec| aGA!|\|st the d4RK his S()/~/^OW |/\|45 A5 +/~u3 a5 b/~3@|): nO lia/~ /_()OKe|) HI|v| In ~|~HE |-|eac|; IF 3\/e/^y /=/~1Enc| becA|\/|3 #!$ F()E |-|3'c| L4u9h 4Nc| buiLd a wO/~l|) w!+h snOW. MY fat|-|3/~ |v|0vED t#ro|_|G# ~|~H3v/s 0f \\/3, S1NGi/vG [-4[h new |_3af ou+ 0/= 34c|-| T/^e3 (a|\|d Ev[-r`/ (hilc| wAs 5ure +hAT 5p/^1n9 D@n[ED \\/|-|[-n sh[- he@/^c| M`/ F@tH[-/^ sinG) +h3N lET |\/|3/v kil|_ W|-|!c# C4|\||\|ot shAr[-, |_et |3|_o()d 4nc| fLe$h be M(_)c| 4/vd mi/~3, sc#Emin9 imAGin[-,P@$s1oN Wi/_le[>, ph/^E[-c|0|v| @ Dr|_|g +#4~|~'s 80ught and $Ol[> gIv!Ng ~|~o st[-AL ANd c/~u3l kin|), 4 HE@rT +o /=eA/~,+o c|OuBt a m!|\||), tO d!/=/=er a d!5EaSE oF s@|v|3, (onF0r|\/| t#e />INn@[L[- oF aM +Ho|_|g|-| Dull W[-R3 al|_ We t4sT3 45 br1gh~|~, |3!~|~~|~Er 4/_|_ |_|+ter/_`/ t#INGs sW3et, |\/|@G9o~|~y |\/|iNU$ aND |)u|\/|b d[-4th 4lL w3 iNH[-Rit,@l|_ |3[-qu[-@+H an|) noth1|\|g q(_)I~|~3 s0 |_3a$+ 45 +rUth --! 5av/ +HO(_)gH ha+e |/\|e/~E WHv/ M3/v brE@Th[--- b3CAuse my /=a+#er l!V[-c| HIs $oul LoVE IS TH[- whOl[- 4Nc| |\/|()re thaN Al/_