
by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)

'~|~|/\|45 B/^1/_li9, aN|) +h3 sLiT|-|Y TOve5
c|i[> Gv/RE And 9IM|3|_3 !/v t#3 |/\|4be;
A|_|_ mIM$`/ \\/3/^E Th3 B0ro9ov[-5,
A|\|[> the |\/|O|\/|[- rA~|~h$ 0|_|+9r4B[-.

"|3EWaRe thE _/Abb[-rW0cK, M`/ soN!1!!#!@!#
Th3 jaW5 THat 8!+e, ~|~hE cLA|/\|$ ~|~#@t ca+ch!!!@!#!@#@!#!1
bE\\/ar[- +h[- _/(_)bjub b1/^d, @/v[> $#U|\|
~|~hE fRu|\/|IoUs 8Anc|ERsn4t[#!1!!#!@!#"

h[- +oo|< |-|I$ \/()rPAl $\\/O/^[> I/v ha|\|[>:
/_O/vG +i|v|e tH[- |\/|a/v><om3 Fo[- h[- s()|_|GHT--
s0 /^3s+e[> h3 Bv/ ~|~he t(_)m+uM +/~33,
a/vD S+oO|) @Wh!|_e i/v t|-|()(_)Gh~|~.

a/v|), as iN UfF1$h THoug#~|~ H3 5t()od,
+h[- j@|3b[-/^woCk, wi+h eY35 o/= f/_ame,
ca|\/|e W#1/=/=LiNg +hroug# t|-|e tUlGey W0()d,
@nD BU/^|3l3|) a$ 1T CA|\/|e!!!@!#!@#@!#!1

one t|/\|o!1!!#!@!# 0nE ~|~|/\|o!1!!#!@!# a|\|c| thRoU9|-| And ~|~|-|rOug|-|
+|-|e V()rp4l bla|)E wen~|~ s/v!(kER-Sn@CK!1!!#!@!#
h3 /_ef+ 1+ |)[-ad, and |/\|itH i+S #34d
|-|E W3nT gAluM/>#!nG |34[k.

"4|\||) |-|aST ~|~Hou 5l@1n t|-|E jab8e/~|/\|Ock?
(O|\/|3 T() |\/|Y ar|\/|s, my |3EaM1$h b0y!!!
O /=rabjoU$ c|a`/!!! [@l/_0()#!1!!#!@!# (@ll4`/!1!!#!@!#"
#3 ch()Rt|_[-|) 1/v Hi5 jo`/.

'tw4s brI/_Li9, a|\|[> th[- slI+#v/ +ov[-s
[>!D gYRe aN|) gimbL[- In +hE wA8e;
AL|_ mimsv/ \\/eRe ~|~hE Bo/~Og()v3s,
and ~|~h[- MO|v|3 /^4th5 ou+9/^@b3.