i sing of Olaf glad and big
by E. E. Cummings
xxx 1 s!Ng 0F oLaf gl@D anc| b!G \\/#o$e \\/4/~|\/|[-s~|~ h3A/^t /~3coi/_3[> 4+ war: A c()|\|$Ci[-Nti()U5 O8jEct-or #is W3l|_Be|_()vé|) [ol0/v3l(+riG W3stP()1Nt[-r mo$T s|_|c(I/vcTly |3/~e[>) to()|< erRiNg O|_Aph 5()O/v In ha/v[>; 8(_)T--+#()Ug|-| aN hosT ()/= ()\/3/^JOyed n()nC()m5(Fi/^st kn()(k1/vg o|\| th3 hE4D hi|\/|)c|() ~|~h/^OUg|-| 1(Y \\/4te/~S /^oll ~|~h@t he/_p|_eS$/vE$5 |/\|h1[h ot#ErS S~|~/~0KE w1Th br|_|5|-|35 r3c3NTly emPl()v/3[> an3N~|~ +H1s m(_)ddY toil[-+BowL, w|-|!|_e |<I|\|[>/~Ec| !N~|~3/_|_[-Ct$ 3vo|<E 4|_|_39IA|\|(e /O3r |3L(_)N~|~ instru|\/|e|\|~|~s-- ()/_af(b3inG +() A/_L !|\|~|~ent$ 4 c()rp$[- A|\||) W4/vTI|\|9 4/vy r4G UPon |/\|Hat g()[> un~|~o hiM 9a\/3) reSpo|\|d5,w!T|-|()|_|T g3~|~~|~ing 4|\|/v()`/e[> "i \\/il|_ nOt k1s5 yo(_)/~ FUcking flag" S+/~419h~|~w4v/ +h[- $!L\/er b1RD l()ok3d g/~av[- (|)ePaR~|~!/vG |-|u/~/~!Edly +o 5h@VE) |3(_)~|~--thou9h A/_|_ KInc|5 o/= ()/=fI[e/~s (A yea/^ning nAtion's 8Lue3v/3d /O/^1|)e) Th[-i/^ /O4$$1V[- PrEv/ |)i[> K1ck A/vc| [UrSE |_||\|+!l F()R w3aR THe!/^ (LarIO/v v()i[3$ and b()O+S W3re |\/|U(# t|-|3 w0/~Se, anD 39G3c| tHe f1R5t[/_a5s/>R!v4Te$ on HI$ REcTum wick[-Dly +0 +EaS3 By m3@n$ Oph 5Ki/_fully ap/>lIec| 84yoN3+s /~oAs+Ec| #o+ Wit|-| |-|[-at-- ()/_aph((_)PoN Wha~|~ werE O|\|Ce Kn3ES) DoeS al|\/|05+ Cea5el[-ss|_y Re/Oea~|~ "~|~heR3 !s s0|\/|e 5h!t I Wi|_L |\|Ot ea~|~" oU/~ prE$1|)ent,B31|\|g Of WhI[|-| asse/^tiOn$ |)u|_y N()tiph!ed +h/~ew tHE v/3/_/_0\\/5O|\|ophABi~|~[|-| 1|\|t() @ [>u|\|9[-on,\\/|-|ere he |)1ed (H/^i5~|~(Of #1s merCv/ inphiNI~|~[-) ! p/~a`/ T0 533;a|\|[> o|_Aph,t0o p/~ePon|)3ra~|~i|\|Glv/ b3(AuS[- |_|nle5s s~|~@tisTIcs |_1E he wa$ m()/^e 8RAVE +h4N |\/|3:|v|o/^e |3/_()nc| THan YOu.