somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond

by E. E. Cummings

so|\/|eW|-|erE 1 #av3 nEVE/^ t/~4vELlE|), 9|_4d/_`/ b[-y0|\|D
An`/ 3></>3/~IE/vc3,yo(_)R e`/[-$ #@\/E +|-|[-ir $1/_e/vc3:
I/v YoU/~ |v|()st /=/~@il 935tUre @/~E Th1ng$ |/\|#1[|-| En(Los3 |v|e,
O/^ wH1(# i (an/v0~|~ t()|_|cH 83(A(_)5E tHeY @r3 +OO |\|e@/^

`/oUr 5lIg|-|T[-5+ /_0oK \\/1/_l 34si|_v/ uN(|_OSe ME
+#oUGh i h4ve clOS3D mYs[-lph 4S F!/vgers,
Y()(_) ()P3/v alwayS pe+al 8`/ p3~|~4|_ m`/53|_f As s/>ri|\|g ()/OenS
(to(_)C|-|INg skiLFu/_|_Y,Mv/s~|~3r1o|_|s/_y)#ER phi/^sT /~osE

()r !f yO|_|r wIsh B3 +() [lo$[- mE, I @nc|
MY /_!/=e \\/i|_L sHu~|~ \/E/~y be4utiphU/_|_v/ ,$|_|ddE|\|/_Y,
As |/\|hen tH[- |-|eA/~+ of tHI$ ph|_()w3r ima9!neS
~|~HE snOw c4/^eF(_)L|_`/ eveRv/Wh[-re DEsc3n|)ing;
n()thinG \\/#1[H |/\|[- aRE TO perce1\/3 in +Hi5 \\/()rl|) Equ@|_s
th3 POw3/~ 0f yoUr int3n$3 fr4g1lity:\\/hOs[- t3><+uRe
[0m/>3L5 |v|E |/\|iTH T#E co|_O/^ Oph !~|~5 [ou|\|+/^ie5,
rE/vd3ri/vg d3ath An[> /=0rEVeR wI~|~H EAc|-| |3/~Ea~|~hiNg

(1 d0 n0+ knOw \\/|-|a+ it IS 4bo(_)t v/0u ~|~hat (|_()sE$
@nD ()p3|\|S;On/_y s0|\/|eThi|\|G I/v M3 Unc|E/~5~|~A|\||)S
The voi(e Of v/Ou/^ 3v/3s is d3Ep3r ~|~ha/v Al|_ /~OSe5)
|\|ob()c|v/,n()T [-ven t|-|3 rAin,h@S su(h $|\/|4l/_ |-|A/vc|s